Contact us

(703) 313-0044

6408 Grovedale Drive, Suite 203 Alexandria, VA 22310

Prior to your visit, take advantage of the convenience offered by completing these forms in the comfort of your home or office. This time-saving option not only expedites your check-in process but also ensures that you have ample time to provide thorough and accurate information. Our forms cover essential details, including medical history, contact information, and any specific concerns or preferences you may have.

We work with most of the insurance plans

Insurance Plans

At Sunshine Physical Therapy, we strive to make your healthcare experience as seamless as possible.

We understand the importance of providing you with comprehensive care without unnecessary financial stress. Your well-being is our priority, and we are dedicated to ensuring that you can focus on your recovery with peace of mind.


Discover helpful resources, providing valuable information and support tailored to your wellness journey

serving since 1992

Schedule an appointment today and experience exceptional care